| 职 称 | 副教授 |
科研方向 | 作物根茎类病害灾变机制与绿色防控 | |
招生专业 | 植物保护(植物病理学) | |
联系方式 | hanch87@163.com | |
个人简介 | ||
韩超,男,汉族,山东省淄博人,中共党员,农学博士。现任山东省科技特派员,山东植物病理学会理事。近年来,主持国家自然科学基金、山东省自然科学基金等省部级项目,发表科研论文20余篇,获得山东省教学成果特等奖、山东农业大学教学成果特等奖、山东农业大学教学质量奖、山东农业大学优秀班主任等。 | ||
教学背景及工作经历 | ||
2020.06-至 今:山东农业大学植物保护学院\副教授 2015.09-2020.06:山东农业大学植物保护学院\讲师 2010.09-2015.06:山东农业大学\植物病理系\博士 2006.09-2010.06:山东农业大学\植物保护学院\植保专业\学士 | ||
教学工作 | ||
主要承担本科生《普通植物病理学》、《植物病理学》、《植物病理学》,硕士研究生《高级植物病理学》、《绿色农药与生物防治》等课程的教学,主讲的课程《普通植物病理学》入选国家级一流本科课程。 主持校教改重点项目1项,指导4项国家级SRT项目。 | ||
研究方向 | ||
1.粮食作物根茎类病害成灾机制与防控关键技术 以玉米、小麦等主粮作物为研究对象,利用整合功能组学、分子动力学、CRISPR/Cas9、HPLC-MS/MS等技术解析病原菌细胞壁降解酶调控的病原真菌-寄主互作机制,明确致病关键细胞壁降解酶的功能基础,揭示新型植物互作蛋白结构特征和作用机理。根据病害发生规律和作物生长特性,制定重要根茎类病害精准绿色防控策略。 2. 抗病促生微生态制剂研发与绿色应用技术 针对烟草、花生、药用植物等重要根茎类病害,创制以PGPR细菌和多糖增效因子为主效成分的微生态制剂,建立微生态制剂配套使用技术,达到植物病害的绿色可持续防控,实现作物的高效增产提质。 | ||
科研项目 | ||
1. 植物响应疫霉菌激发子PsGH7a的关键免疫元件和分子机制研究,国家自然科学基金,2023-2025,主持 2. N-糖基化调控纤维素酶高水解活性的分子机制,山东省自然科学基金,2018-2022,主持 玉米重大病害成灾机制及防控技术研究,山东省重点研发计划,2023-2025,参与 | ||
代表性科研成果 | ||
1. Han C, et al. Improving the thermostability of a thermostable endoglucanase from Chaetomium thermophilum by engineering the conserved noncatalytic residue and N-glycosylation site, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 164(2020):3361-3368. (第一作者,IF=8.2) 2. Han C, et al. Enhancement of catalytic activity and thermostability of a thermostable cellobiohydrolase from Chaetomium thermophilum by site-directed mutagenesis, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 116: 691-697. (第一作者,IF=8.2) 3. Hua CY, et al. Characterization of a novel thermostable GH7 endoglucanase from Chaetomium thermophilum capable of xylan hydrolysis. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2018, 117:342-349. (通讯作者,IF=8.2) 4. Han C, et al. Improvement of the catalytic activity and thermostability of a hyperthermostable endoglucanase by optimizing N-glycosylation sites, Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2020, 13:30-40. (第一作者,IF=7.670) 5. Han C, et al. Identification and characterization of a novel hyperthermostable bifunctional cellobiohydrolase-xylanase enzyme for synergistic effect with commercial cellulase on pretreated wheat straw degradation. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 2020, 8:296-308. (第一作者,IF=6.064) 6. Zhao D, et al. LC_Glucose-Inhibited Division Protein Is Required for Motility, Biofilm Formation, and Stress Response in Lysobacter capsici X2-3. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, 13:840792. (通讯作者,IF=6.064) 7. Tan XW, et al. A conserved glycoside hydrolase family 7 cellobiohydrolase PsGH7a of Phytophthora sojae is required for full virulence on soybean. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2020, 11:1285. (通讯作者,IF =6.064) 8. Chen XT, et al. Engineering the conserved and noncatalytic residues of a thermostable β-1,4-endoglucanase to improve specific activity and thermostability. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1):2954. (通讯作者,IF=4.996) 9. Li X, et al. Insights into the cellulose degradation mechanism of the thermophilic fungus Chaetomium thermophilum based on integrated functional omics, Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2020, 13:143-161. (第二作者,IF=7.670) 10. Shi Z, et al. Novel synergistic mechanism for lignocellulose degradation by a thermophilic filamentous fungus and a thermophilic actinobacterium based on functional proteomics. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2020, 11:539438. (第二作者,IF =6.064) 11. Ma YN, et al. Fungal cellulase is an elicitor but its enzymatic activity is not required for its elicitor activity. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2015, 16(1):14-26. (第二作者,IF=5.520) 12. Zhou QZ, et al. Characterization of a novel thermostable GH45 endoglucanase from Chaetomium thermophilum and its biodegradation of pectin. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 2017, 124(3):271-276. (通讯作者,IF=3.185) 13. Li WG, et al. Insights into the Synergistic Biodegradation of Waste Papers Using a Combination of Thermostable Endoglucanase and Cellobiohydrolase from Chaetomium thermophilum. Molecular Biotechnology, 2018, 60(1):49-54. (通讯作者,IF=2.860) 14. Wang J, et al. Isolation and identification of Colletotrichum truncatum causing anthracnose disease of the Chinese medicinal herb Cynanchum paniculatum. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 2022, 5(44):680-688.(通讯作者,IF=2.442) 15. Wang J, et al. Establishment and Application of a Multiplex PCR Assay for Detection of Sclerotium rolfsii, Lasiodiplodia theobromae, and Fusarium oxysporum in Peanut. Molecular Biotechnology, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12033-022-00647-1 (通讯作者,IF=2.501) |